Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday busy Sunday

Last Sunday has been a pretty busy one, due to the beatification of John Paul II and the Labor Day concert. Just as we expected in our previous post! Starting from Friday afternoon, pilgrims from all over the world gathered in Rome.

Saturday was a nice evening to walk the streets by Saint Peter to witness thousands of people arranging for the night. Yes, most of them slept outdoor, assisted by a huge organization of professionals and young volunteers helping the visitors with water and fresh fruits.

If Saturday night was one of a kind sight, Sunday was just crazy. Over 1.5 million people came to celebrate the former Pope John Paul II. One of the biggest event for the Catholic Church thus far!
Meanwhile, in Piazza San Giovanni, the traditional Labor Day concert took place. As every year, the first day of May is the opportunity for workers and students to get together and participate at this amazing festival.

Many famous Italian singers showed up on the stage, including Ennio Morricone and Gino Paoli. Good thing the audience was way lower than last year: "only" 500,000 people! This made a total of over 2 million people gathered in the center of Rome in less than 24 hours. Can you think about something more amazing?

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