Monday, May 30, 2011

Got sport?

Rome is famous all over the world thanks to its monument and historical treasures. Actually, most of the physical activities the tourists are usually involved in are walking in the sunny streets, wowing in the museums' corridors and flexing their neck muscles up and down to stare at the taller buildings. But in Rome there is more going on when it comes to sport.

Soccer: being the national sport, you can't miss a soccer game at the Stadio Olimpico. There are 2 teams in Rome: Roma and Lazio, and of course their rivalry is neverending. If you want to try it yourself, just go at the park: it will be easy to find a bunch of people playing soccer on the grass anytime.

Run: running is healthy and relaxing. But it's even better when you can run by majestic monuments. In Rome you can. And if you don't want to wait for the Marathon, just set the alarm a bit early and go for a run by the Fori Imperiali.

Athletics: Rome has great athletics facitilites. And last week on the 26th during the athletic Golden Gala was a day of sport with international stars with a very special guest: the olympic champion Usain Bolt!

Ancient romans used to say "mens sana in corpore sano,",meaning "a healthy mind in a healthy body" and the city still sticks to this saying.

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