Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rome runs for the cure..

Every year Rome turns pink. It's not because of the romantic twilights you can behold in late Spring. It's not because of the old fashioned buildings that takes you centuries back. This time Rome is pink because of the 12th edition of Race For The Cure, a great event that every year helps the research for breast cancer.

Houndreds of people gathered in the city center this weekend and applied for a fun run around the most important areas of Rome. Last Friday to Sunday you could see men, women, children and even a few dogs running at Piazza Venezia, rushing all the way thru the Forums heading to the Colosseum, and then Circo Massimo to the Caracalla Therms. All the fund raised are going to support our scientists in their own race. A very important run to find a cure for the most common cancer for the women.

Some people contributed with money, others took part in the race. Everyone ran with a smile and with the fullfilling feeling that the winner would anyway be the women's health.

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