Thursday, March 17, 2011

Walk like a Roman!

What makes visiting a city an unforgettable experience? What makes you say “I don’t want to leave” or, at least, “I will come back?” It may be the view from the top of a tower, or a painting that leaves you speechless in a museum hall. For those whom place gluttony on the top of their leisure list, it may be a never before tasted flavor at a traditional restaurant. But what etch these experiences on your heart is the way you live them. And there is no better way to experience Rome than walking through it, just like a person who lives here.

The narrow streets of Rome are not made for cars and the Italian public transportation may be funny but who would like to be packed in noisy buses? Walking in the shoes of a Roman you would be welcomed by the warm light as you fall in love with the ancient buildings at every corner of the streets. Ancient roman walls  side by side with renaissance palaces speak the tongue of history, that only trained eras are able to fully understand. An open air treasure whose real value can only be unveiled by walking through it and experiencing as real Romans like us would.

If you are planning to visit Rome, don’t forget to put in your luggage a pair of comfortable shoes together with your Gucci and Jimmy Choo.

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