Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring runs in Rome...

Every season has its good reason to make you want to visit Rome. In Summer you would spend hours in the warm Italian sun, rather than relax in the Autumn tint of gold or feel the magic of gleaming Winter. But Spring is definitely my favorite season. The parks are covered with bright grass; walking down the street is pleasant but you won’t sweat too much. And how can I resist the fresh veggies and fruits?

I am sure the 17.000 people that took part at the marathon last Sunday also enjoyed the weather change. It was a unique show to see thousands of athletes running by the Colosseum, stamping their Nike on the same stones the ancient Romans used to walk 20 centuries ago!

Of course I was too lazy to take part at the run, but next year you may want to race with the African champions... or just seize the moment and run with your friends on the streets of Rome.

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