Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rome is proud with Gaga!

17 years after its debut in Italy, the Pride Parade returns in Rome. Formerly known as Gay Pride, now Euro Pride, this colorful event is a fest to celebrate every kind of sexuality. Every year people from all over Italy and Europe gather in the capital to defend that there’s no difference in being straight, gay or lesbian. No wonder then if many heterosexual people join the parade.

This year, more than 2 million people are expected. The reason for such a big crowd is the special guest that’s been revealed just last week: Lady Gaga! The popstar will honor her Italian heritage together with her extravagant dress code leading the parade with a free concert at Circo Massimo. Gaga wrote her name on a list of artists whom took part in the event during the past years, from Gloria Gaynor to legendary Village People.
A gay parade right by Saint Peter’s church may sound a bit awkward but so far it has always perfectly worked. This is great example of coexistence, don’t you think? See you on Saturday to sing all together Lady Gaga’s hits!

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